Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Shades of Blue...

Image taken from here

What does BLUE mean? What does it symbolise?

As many who know me well enough would know, blue is my favourite colour, as it is with 50% the general population. So what makes blue such a significantly loved colour? I looked up the meaning of blue and its symbolism in life, and this is some of the significant things I found most useful for my machine montage.
"In systems which correlate favorite colors with color symbolism, people who wear light blue are said to be analytical and have a practical approach to life. People who wear dark blue are intelligent and self-reliant and take on a great deal of responsibility. In any case, people are comfortable with blue and return to blue again and again."

Blue Symbolism & Multiple Meanings
"Blue symbolism associates blue with freedom, strength and new beginnings. Blue skies are emblematic of optimism and better opportunities. Blue is the color of loyalty and faith. Blue is power. Blue is also the color of protection. Blue symbolism is nearly universal in meaning."

Blue Symbolism & Language

"Something that happens rarely is said to happen "once in a blue moon." Blue symbolism runs the gamut of emotionally-packed meanings. Something that is the best of its kind is "blue ribbon." A person born of royalty or in the upper class is a "blue blood." However, when someone is depressed, they have the "blues.""

Blue Symbolism & Relaxation
"Blue symbolism emphasizes the cooling and relaxing qualities of blue, reminding us of the peace and calmness of night. Midnight night blue has a sedative effect that promotes meditation and intuition. Clear blue is uplifting, but too much dark blue can be depressing. Navy blue can also be associated with restrictive environments."

Image taken from here

Sunday, March 15, 2009

First Entry

Okay... So what do most people say in the first entry anyways?

I guess I've been putting off creating myself a blog for a little over a week now, despite this being an assessment for Electronic Imaging & Design. I don't have anything against blogging as I used to blog as well a few years back, but then I eventually forgot about it and all in all just stopped blogging. Anyways, the reason for putting this off may possibly be because I'm still trying to sort out the clutter that is currently in my head for the first assignment, which is a Photomontage of myself as a machine.

I guess it turns out that I don't know myself very well, or at all. I don't have much passion for anything - this prompts a saying in Chinese, which I'll save everyone the trouble of having to translate by not actually saying it aloud or typing it down in this case. One thing I'm sure is that I'm a bit of a contradiction. And in this process of trying to define myself, it seems my friends and family are having just as much trouble trying to define me. Perhaps I'm a bit of a mystery that needs to be solved - that, or I'm just plain, simple and utterly boring.

I'd stick to the fact that I'm a mystery that needs to be solved rather than accept the fact that I may well just be boring. This of course prompts my first idea for this photomontage of mine, the Rubik's Cube.

Which was something I decided on impulse to learn to solve just last year, after giving up once I solved 2 sides over a decade ago. Another reason I finally brought my lazy self to start this blog was reading the brief of my first assignment for another subject, Web3d Technologies. Long story short, it has something to do with the Rubik's Snake. Yes, it seems that it's a sign that the Rubik's Cube is staying in my montage - though I'm still yet to decide the more intricate details of what to do with it.

But at least it's a start, and hopefully I have an epiphany soon enough as my boring uninspired mind isn't helping me any more....