Sunday, May 24, 2009

Zodiac Fun Facts

The Chinese Zodiac consists of 12 different animals - much like the Western one (ie. the Astrological Signs). However since this photo essay only allows for 8-10 photos, I chose 8 of the zodiacs because it was most convenient for me to find people who were of those 8 zodiacs.

All the ones highlighted in White are the zodiacs that I'll be using in my photo essay.

1. Rat:
Dominant colours are red/black/white
Fixed element is water
Equivalent star sign is Sagittarius
Those born in the year of the rat are generally associated with wealth, charm, and order, yet also known for their aggression and love for gossip.

2. Ox:
Dominant colours are yellow/blue
Fixed element is water
Equivalent star sign is Capricorn
Those born in the year of the ox are generally patient, soft-spoken, and reliable, yet they're also known for their stubbornness and can be short-tempered.

3. Tiger:
Dominant colour is green
Fixed element is wood
Equivalent star sign is Aquarius
Those born in the year of the tiger are courageous, competitive and sensitive, however they can be rather rash in their decision making.

4. Rabbit:
Dominant colour is green/peach
Fixed element is wood
Equivalent star sign is Pisces
People born in the year of the rabbit are articulate, talented and ambitious despite being fond of gossip, they're generally kind people who seldom lose their anger.

5. Dragon:
Dominant colour is gold
Fixed element is wood
Equivalent star sign is Aries
Those born in the year of the dragon are perfectionists, idealists, aggressive, determined but they can also be quite short tempered and stubborn.

6. Snake:
Dominant colour is red
Fixed element is fire
Equivalent star sign is Taurus
Those born in the year of the snake are deep, say little, and possess great wisdom. They can sometimes be vain, selfish and a bit stingy except for those who are close to them. However they have tremendous sympathy for others and help those less fortunate.

That's it for now... will continue with the other 6 zodiac signs a little later when I'm free.

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